Orlando Music Club Officers of Past and Present:
OMC Board Members
Officers 2024-2026:
President: Dr. Jeannine Mongeon
Vice-President: Dr. Yun-Ling Hsu
Secretary: Dr. Brian Bak
Treasurer: Lisa Moore
Member-at-Large: Christina Gant
Membership: Hannah Yang
OmnHarmoni: Christine Peterson
Vocal Coordinator: Nino Lakvekheliani
Officers 2022-2024:
President: Elaine Knight
Vice President: Christina Hunting Gant
Secretary: Balina Smith
Treasurer: Lisa Moore
Member-at-Large: Italo Brett
Membership: Hannah Shuyi Yang
Officers 2020-2022:
President: Italo Brett
Vice President: Christina Hunting Gant
Secretary: Tisa Marsh
Treasurer: Natalia Kalugina
Officers 2017-2020:
President: Sherry Pollock
Vice President: Barbara Browning
Secretary: Patricia Swartz
Treasurer: Kathy Baratta
Officers 2015-2017:
President: Balina Smith
Vice President: Laurent Boukobza
Secretary: Josephine Hagan
Treasurer: Kathy Baratta
Officers 2013-2015:
President: Gayle Stein
Vice President: Gloria Taylor
Secretary: Valentine Agranovsky
Treasurer: Lisa Moore
Officers 2011-2013:
President: Lisa Moore
Vice President: Carin LeRoy
Secretary: Gloria Taylor
Treasurer: Carol Hallberg
Officers 2009-2011:
President: Jessica Bonanno
Vice President: Francies Dodge
Secretary: Sandy Kupetz
Treasurer: Gayle Stein
Officers 2006-2009:
President: Nancy Jontz
Vice President: Donna Naikus
Secretary: Francies Dodge
Treasurer: Beth Philbrick
President: Dr. Jeannine Mongeon
Vice-President: Dr. Yun-Ling Hsu
Secretary: Dr. Brian Bak
Treasurer: Lisa Moore
Member-at-Large: Christina Gant
Membership: Hannah Yang
OmnHarmoni: Christine Peterson
Vocal Coordinator: Nino Lakvekheliani
Officers 2022-2024:
President: Elaine Knight
Vice President: Christina Hunting Gant
Secretary: Balina Smith
Treasurer: Lisa Moore
Member-at-Large: Italo Brett
Membership: Hannah Shuyi Yang
Officers 2020-2022:
President: Italo Brett
Vice President: Christina Hunting Gant
Secretary: Tisa Marsh
Treasurer: Natalia Kalugina
Officers 2017-2020:
President: Sherry Pollock
Vice President: Barbara Browning
Secretary: Patricia Swartz
Treasurer: Kathy Baratta
Officers 2015-2017:
President: Balina Smith
Vice President: Laurent Boukobza
Secretary: Josephine Hagan
Treasurer: Kathy Baratta
Officers 2013-2015:
President: Gayle Stein
Vice President: Gloria Taylor
Secretary: Valentine Agranovsky
Treasurer: Lisa Moore
Officers 2011-2013:
President: Lisa Moore
Vice President: Carin LeRoy
Secretary: Gloria Taylor
Treasurer: Carol Hallberg
Officers 2009-2011:
President: Jessica Bonanno
Vice President: Francies Dodge
Secretary: Sandy Kupetz
Treasurer: Gayle Stein
Officers 2006-2009:
President: Nancy Jontz
Vice President: Donna Naikus
Secretary: Francies Dodge
Treasurer: Beth Philbrick
Past OMC Presidents (Dating back to 1980):
2024-2026 Dr. Jeannine Mongeon (current)
2022-2024 Elaine Knight
2020-2022 Italo Brett
2017-2020 Sherry Pollock
2015-2017 Balina Smith
2013-2015 Gayle Stein
2011-2013 Lisa Moore
2009-2011 Jessica Bonanno
2006-2009 Nancy Jontz
2006-2006 Bradley Gant
2004-2006 Lori May
2002-2004 Carla Elliott
2000-2002 Bette Hunting
1998-2000 Nancy Wade
1996-1998 Diane Wells
1994-1996 Lee Korniluk
1992-1994 Wilma Boshart
1990-1992 Barbara Euiller
1988-1990 Joyce Orwig
1986-1988 Gay Alice (Duncan) Taylor
1984-1986 Trudy Hom
1982-1984 Rita Miller
1980-1982 Eleanore Gronlund
1978-1980 Unknown
1976-1978 Unknown
1975-1976 Unknown
2022-2024 Elaine Knight
2020-2022 Italo Brett
2017-2020 Sherry Pollock
2015-2017 Balina Smith
2013-2015 Gayle Stein
2011-2013 Lisa Moore
2009-2011 Jessica Bonanno
2006-2009 Nancy Jontz
2006-2006 Bradley Gant
2004-2006 Lori May
2002-2004 Carla Elliott
2000-2002 Bette Hunting
1998-2000 Nancy Wade
1996-1998 Diane Wells
1994-1996 Lee Korniluk
1992-1994 Wilma Boshart
1990-1992 Barbara Euiller
1988-1990 Joyce Orwig
1986-1988 Gay Alice (Duncan) Taylor
1984-1986 Trudy Hom
1982-1984 Rita Miller
1980-1982 Eleanore Gronlund
1978-1980 Unknown
1976-1978 Unknown
1975-1976 Unknown